Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Everything Should Be FREE

I keep hearing all over the place and find myself listening to conversations [and at times participating] that our children's generation is a generation filled with entitled brats that expect that "Everything Should Be Free!" Free College. Free Medical. Free Cars. Free Insurance. Free! Free! Free!Their first car is brand-new-top-of-the-line-fully-loaded, and when they wreck the car, they just go get a new one with no repercussion of having to walk, pay for the car, nor pay for the increased insurance rates. A generation where 'flipping burgers' is below them and they have grandiose ideas of their first job.  A generation where the parents flip out on the schools, coaches, or other parents when their child is being held accountable for his/her behavior and poor decisions. Where a loud mouth and the mighty dollar remove any type of repercussions. A generation that feels blessed when given the wrong change back (in their favor) or items were missed by the cashier. I can go on and on...

I couldn't help, after one such convo, to wonder why our children ended up here. The only conclusion I could come to, is that this behavior is learned from us. As uncomfortable as it was, I looked inward. What actions and beliefs have I unknowingly instilled in my children? I can only speak for myself, but I don't think I'm that far off.

I think for the most part, children of my generation had a hard bringing up. Maybe it's just the people I come in contact with or a complete over generalization, but I have found throughout my life that many people my age had it tough. I'm not really going to get into all the 'difficulties' because we are pretty darn familiar with them. I just want to lay a foundation for the thinking of my generation. I believe we have a "You owe me" mentality. You [whoever that may be, parents, society, government] owe me [fill in the blank] because of what I had to endure. I deserve [fill in the blank] because I suffered this or that.  A restaurant makes a mistake on my order, you owe me a free meal. I wait too long in a line, I deserve a discount for my time.  I have been a long time customer, you owe me a discounted rate. Mom, Dad, society, government should buy this or that, pay for this or that, watch my kids for free, ask how high when I say jump, because of what you put my through, what I suffered, because you failed to protect me. I can go on and on...

Is it still a mystery why we have children that except everything to be handed to them, that everything should be free? Is it still a mystery why we have children that have unreasonable expectations?

Time for some hope!

I was reading in Genesis the account of Abraham's life, and was blown away. One thing is clear, God was with Abraham! Not just the presence and audible voice of God, but the Lord sent Angels time and time again to speak with Abraham, to break bread with him, and to deliver messages to him. This resulted in Abraham being greatly blessed. Everywhere he went, not only did he prosper abundantly, but so did the people of the region in which he resided. The region's crops flourished, their flocks multiplied exponentially, and their wealth abounded -as did Abraham's. Here's the catch, the rulers knew it was because of Abraham's God that they were wildly blessed. It was because of Abraham's God that they had repeated favor in all things. They recognized the power of God! You all get the picture?

Now when instance came up where Abraham needed goods or services, and even as big as needing land, the ruler's of the region would tell him to take it; it was his -free of charge. Again, they recognized that they wouldn't have it to give if it weren't for the blessing cover of Abraham's God. Not only did they want to pay him back for their reaping but they wanted him to stay!  Give Abraham everything he wants so he won't move on to his next destination -his next call. But Abraham!! he would not hear of it! He told them that he would pay top dollar, in the witness of all the rulers and community. He refused to take from them -even those things that were freely given. He believed in paying and paying the fair price. Not discounted because of who he was, and Whose he was. This is true character! He not only respected and valued the people he lived near, but he understood the value of their land, goods, services. He wasn't corrupt nor was he corruptible. Not only that, he only wanted to answer to one person, GOD! He didn't want to be bound to a favor nor a gift. He didn't want to feel obligated to stay in any one places because of the gifts he had received. His purpose was to follow God in all things.

I challenge you today to pay fair price for all goods and services. To tip well, even when you didn't like the service, because compassion is the greater gift. I challenge to you pay more at the door step of your Frugal finds! You're still getting an amazing deal! I love a great deal just like the next person, and I'm also frustrated with growing prices of goods and services, but I can choose today to be generous, kind, and compassionate to those who help make my life better (ie. the fast food place, the restaurant, my hair dresser, the girl down the street selling a purse I want for $1, etc...). I challenge you today to give more encouraging comments, leave more positive feedback, make more statements of gratitude than those of complaint. Some days your are gonna have to dig deep, but it is possible to say something kind, and more importantly, it is worth it.  These things, my friends, are the things that will help us finally grow out of the mentality that, "The World Revolves Around Me". I want to leave a completely different legacy! Don't you?

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